Embarking on the Road to Scrum Mastery

Thema: Agilität braucht gutes Handwerk - Agil ist mehr als Mechanik

Zielgruppe: Beginner

How can Scrum Masters develop mastery and set a new standard for their role? This talk will describe our Scrum Master Journey and show how to create a space for Scrum Masters to learn and grow. When we started the agile transformation at Swisscom, we did not focus on Scrum Masters. Of our 100+ certified Scrum Masters, only a few were experienced. Role-models were scarce, and know-how was limited to the content of the certification trainings. Worse, Scrum Masters were considered a necessary evil by management. As a result, the Scrum Master role was strongly misunderstood and highly undervalued, leaving Scrum Masters struggling to do an effective job. Lacking a clear role-understanding, skills and competencies, and even career opportunities, the Scrum Master role was very unattractive. We asked ourselves: what can we do to establish an effective and impactful Scrum Master role that sets a new standard for the organization? Inspired by a blog post, we created our Scrum Master Journey: a group of selected Scrum Masters co-created their own 6 month-long training program to learn from each other and work together. The outcomes exceeded our highest hopes: during the past two years, Journey alumni are expanding role-awareness, developing new key competencies and skills and becoming ambassadors of the community. We shifted the understanding of the role from a meeting organizer towards facilitator, coach and servant leader and made the role an interesting career choice with many opportunities. Outside of Swisscom, participants have built a far-reaching Scrum Master network with other companies and have inspired the launch of other Scrum Master Journeys.

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Referent: Christian Hofstetter