Ein globales Kaizensystem auf grüner Wiese


Zielgruppe: Beginner

Ein Erfahrungsbericht über den Aufbau eines globalen Kaizensystems in der Beschichtungsindustrie. Nadja Böhlmann lädt euch auf eine Reise durch die: "hätte-ich-da-mal-eher-dran-gedacht’s" ein. Es geht um Fettnäppfchen und die Aha-Erlebnisse in der interkulturellen Zusammenarbeit und gibt euch Inspiration für eure Implementierung praxisnah an die Hand. (Vortrag in deutscher Sprache) --- Key Factors in Building a Kaizen System (Talk in German language) In order to sustainably build a Kaizen strategy and an associated Kaizen system, there are a number of key factors that should be paid attention to. Many large companies, especially in the automotive industry and their service providers, have solid lean and kaizen systems that have been successfully built up over decades and are mastering them day by day. The processes are in place, the network is functioning. However what does it look like at the very beginning? At the big bang? Learn from Nadja Böhlmann about the basic Key facors that are important for building a sustainable Kaizen System

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Referent: Nadja Böhlmann
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